Thursday, July 3, 2008

at a crossroads(even though I hate that phrase)

The last few weeks I have had an overwhelming feeling that a big change is coming my way.

Changing careers to better suit what I want out of life.
Moving to another state, or to another country.
Starting a new relationship. The big, dramatic kind of relationship.

Something big. Really, really big.

You see, every year I make a big life change right before and right after Fest.

Last year I got rid of the television and became a vegetarian.
They were good changes for me.

In the months since Fest 2007 I have come to realize that what I thought I wanted out of my life wasn't really what I wanted.

I've changed my perspective on a lot of things.

So now I'm waiting.
Trying to figure out which of these life changes it will be.
Trying to figure out where I'm going to go in the next year.
Trying to figure out if it is what I want.

As a side effect of this watching and waiting, time has slowed down for me.

I've spent more time enjoying each moment for what it is.
Breathing deeply.
Smiling widely.
Laughing until I can't breathe.

It's good stuff.

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