Monday, August 10, 2009


I just got back from fest a few hours ago.

I haven't quite absorbed everything but i will say that it was the best fest i've ever had.

Instead I'm going to talk about what i've been doing the past few hours.

I drove. A lot.
Finally got home. Hugged and kissed the cat profusely because during Fest there was a miscommunication and I spent an entire night thinking she was dead.
(I'm reallyreallyreallyreally glad she isn't.)

Took a shower. Tried to clean the dirt off my feet and failed.

Cleaned the ring of dirt around my neck and got grossed out when i realized that a woman was biting that same dirty neck(Its inevitable at fest. The dirty neck. Not the biting.) a few nights ago.

Got dressed for work and petted the kitteh some more.

Then I looked out of my living room window at the street.
Walked out to the porch and surveyed the street.
Walked outside my apartment, locked the door and checked to make sure it was locked.
Walked downstairs, opened the building door and surveyed the street again.
Walked to my car and locked the door behind me.

And then i realized that less than 24 hours before i had been walking down the streets at Fest in a slightly altered state wearing nothing but ruffly butt panties and a bra.

And that i had been and felt completely safe doing so.

And now I'm back to feeling unsafe in the world.

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